A Nerve Wracking Dream

Most nights I have nice and relaxing dreams, but last night I had a very scary dream.  Recently, my life has been very busy and chaotic.  I recently had a patient die from a terminal illness and I think it is impacting me during my sleep and day-to-day life.  This dream was one of the worst I had experienced in a while.  I was trapped in a small room that was painted back.  There was no light, the only thing I was certain of was that I was lying on my bed, the same bed I went to sleep in.  At first, I was not worried but then my fears began to creep in.  I was alone without light.  Is this what death is like? Had I died? A light flickered in this dark cold room, I shot out of my bed and screamed.  That's when my dream ended.  It was so bizarre and I can’t seem to figure out what this means.  Looking for help and advice!! 

Find you zen!! 


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